Sunday, October 29, 2006

From Sept. 27

What is going on out there? I thought that life in the pen was madness but today's new sport, shooting HS and college kids, has given me pause. From the fool up there in Canada to the idiot that just took hostages today in of all places, AGAIN, Colorado! Ouch! I know that entire state had to be on a state of alert from that. Fortunately the Gunman is dead and didn't get a chance to shoot as many people as he probably hoped to. He did however shoot one young lady, as they are reporting. My prayers go out to her and her family and we are praying for a speedy recovery.
Is this being reported more or is it actually happening more? For all you cowards out there preying on the kids of the world, some of these men in the pen are waiting for you to come through these gates. You won't have your fancy guns then!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Oh, my fellow bloggers, I forgot to tell you all how I do this. I can't get right back to you, so you have to be patient and wait for my responses. Some will be faster than others. Please jump in at any time with questions or whatever you feel the need to know from me. I have been away at court, so I want to get back into the swing of things. Holla!
I feel like I have been away for years, so it is good to be back! I don't know who is listening out there but here I am. This year has had a crazy start for me, good and bad. I got some good news in the courts and will be having a new sentencing hearing to decide if I will get life in prison or death again. Yipppeee! Good and Bad! LIFE in here is a fate worse than death! Some of you "Freefolks" don't seem to understand that. Imagine someone telling you that you had to live in your bathroom for the rest of your life and only they could tell you when to come out and when you'll eat. When you do come out, you will only be allowed to go to your basement and in your basement are 200 men, that have just come from out of their bathrooms and most of them are REALLL killers! Yippppeee, LIFE in prison!
All I can say about that is it is one step closer to freedom and the court did show me that there is light. Innocent men die in here and some are freed! Pray for me, I need it!