Friday, March 24, 2006

Recurring Dream

It's about 2 in the morning and I just had that dream again. I am running through the jungle, someone is chasing me but I can't see who they are. I am not actually scared. I am more like excited because I have a plan. I can see every move that is going to happen. I'm brushing trees, knocking down animals that get in my way, stepping on and over logs. I can feel the cool mud on my bare feet. I can smell every scent that passes me. A lion in the tree, an elephant a few hundred feet away, maybe. I can smell the powerful perfumes of the different types of trees and flowers. I see a huge snake, hanging from a tree. Duck, keep on running. I can hear the voices behind me. Not very close but I can tell that they are frantically trying to catch up to me. I slow down, I don't want them to lose me. I stop, so that they can get closer. OK, continue to run. There are maybe 5 or 6 of them. I know where I am headed and I am trying to lead them to it. The river is coming up next. This is the tricky part. I have to let them get close but not close enough to grab me.

I am at the river. I stop. I look down into the river. I'm shocked because what I see isn't me! It's not Osiris! I am 5' 7" and 175 lbs. What I see in the reflection is a huge man, about 8' tall, 300 lbs. or more with tribal scars across his face and huge flowing dreads that reach down his waist. He has a huge club in his hand and a long knife in the other. What the . . . ?! I stop longer than I am supposed to. I can hear them getting closer. I dive into the river. I am not trying to actually swim across. For some reason, I know that I can hold my breath forever and they are in trouble as soon as they get into the water. I'm about ten feet into the river, underwater and I can see them hesitate to get into the water. I wonder if they are scared of me or maybe the animals that they might find in the river. One brave soul dives right in. I immediately grab him. Then, I wake up!

That's the dream I've been having since I was about 16 years old. I never knew that other people had recurring dreams because no one in the hood would ever talk about things like that. No one would admit to having nightmares or even having any type of dreams, unless they were sexual. The problem is, what does it mean??? Was I really a warrior in a previous life? Or am I trippin? If so, I have been trippin for a long time. I have read all kinds of books to try and find out what my dream means. NO luck! A few other guys have told me that they have dreams but not like mine. No one has ever seen themselves as someone else. I mean actually SEEN themselves. Of course we all may want to BE someone else?

So, any of you dream specialists that can help, holla at me, if you get time. Be warned, I don't have a dime for your diagnosis! :-) This is what they call Pro Bono in legal jargon. Thanks!


Blogger Etrangère said...

R. said it well herself- only the dreamer can really interpret the dream...and if it's been recurring since you were sixteen it must be something pretty deep seated...what does water or swimming mean to you? Or big guys with tribal scars? Any idea who the people running after you might be? good luck!!!

Yeah, I know that was a lot of help...tell you what...I'll cut 25% off your bill!!!

4:07 AM  
Blogger The Kozak's Daughter said...

I sent you a letter of what my mom thought it was about! But really it's up to you, and NO I DON'T think that this happened to you in a "previous life!" ha! Though you MAY be trying to identify with your idea of what life in Africa would be like?

10:53 PM  
Blogger The Kozak's Daughter said...

Etrangere, you and Blue are on point. It just seems like the violence is getting more prevalent or it's being reported more. Man, I TRULY believe in God bless America! If it wasn't for the constitution and the liberties that we enjoy in this country, even in prison, I'd be a dead man right now!
France huh? Is Paris as nice as they say? There's a lot going on over there right now. Is the government over there intentionally trying to provoke the youth or what? Why would they create policies just to mess with young folks? Then, expect the young folks to bare and take it?
God hates fags? huh? I've been locked up too long! They actually have a group called that? Trippin! Free speech? Yeah, that's one of them glad we got 'em type things UNTIL you say something REALLLL out of order, like you want to do something to GWB. See how free speech is then. Words are censored everyday in this country but it is surely better than most if not every other part of the world. God bless America!
I know how the French feel about the US but is it like that all over the world? We do have a rep of random jailing? It's true to live on, that's for sure. If we do. Not actually random because there are specific targets that are up in these prison camps. There aren't many Bill Gates types up in here. The Enron squad surely had to get caught OUTRIGHT to see these walls.
America has ALL the good things! NO DOUBT! See, I had to look up Burkina Faso. Never heard of it. The world wants to live in this great country of ours. So, don't get me wrong, I am not complaining too much. I have a buddy that is from Haiti and he would rather be in the hood here than anywhere near Haiti!

11:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

osiris, relating to your dream.I believe that the person you see in the river is you as you have never seen yourself. Could it be that you too are afraid of this person that is in you? If this dream is reoccuring then look at him, study him, make use of him who is yourself, get to know yourself and let this other being help you.It is a part of yopu, not all you but an important part. Ask yourself what is this person capable of doing, how would he want to live, Whi he ? befriend him. Be grateful to hvae a picturer in which you see this part of yourself. it is a gift to you love and light godmother bettina

6:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

osiris, one more comment, at the end of the dream you grab the brave soul who enters the water. who enters? what do you do with him her who enters. ask yourself questions, don't wait for all the others to interpret what speaks to you since you are 16 years of age, there are no experts there are only interpretations, so make it up, write about it, dream on and find out godmother bettina again, ps. water apparently stands for feelings and emotions, the dream is fascinating

6:21 AM  

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