Friday, March 09, 2007

New Passion

2007 has been quite a year for me already and it's not even halfway done. First, I found a new passion. I found a new inspiration. That may sound kinda dull or unbelievable because of where I am. In 16 years, I have done everything in a 10x7 foot space that any human could possibly think of with what I have available to me. Yet, I have found something new and exciting to occupy my time.
I kinda stumbled onto this new passion of mine. I was sitting here one day, staring at the walls and it came to me like an Epiphany. It was like a lightning bolt struck my cerebral cortex and it made everything so clear to me.
Before I tell you all what my new passion is, let me say this, a word of caution. Please do not try this at home. This should only be done by the most professional, skilled, individuals that have absolute knowledge in this area and that have studied each and every variable possibility and that have tested each and every action and reaction and know exactly what will happen in any given situation. So, for all of you kids out there and all of you adventurous adults, leave this to the professionals. This could be extremely dangerous and cause physical and mental ailments that can not be cured.
So, I'm sitting here in the cell, thinking to myself, staring at the walls and it comes to me. Hold up, here comes a CO, I have to get back to you later....


Blogger Etrangère said...

AAARGH! Did you really have to stop or are you just building to a cliffhanger? ;)

What could your new passion be?

Driving the cars in commercials?

Fire breathing?

Memorizing the lyrics to backstreet boys songs without getting them stuck in your head for weeks at a time?

I really want to know!

7:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ronald,

I'm wondering how you are doing? There have been no new posts since March...

Wanted to say hi.

Yuri Brown

4:50 AM  

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