Monday, March 27, 2006

This blog thing is like a new world to me. I'm like Robinson Crusoe up in here or Jacques C. Get at me and let me know what is on your brain? All comments are welcomed. This is for anyone that wants to answer: what is the worst thing about the blog? What is the best thing? Are there things that you can and cannot do on the blog or on the www in general? Tell me the rules, if there are any?
This is what is going on on the row right now. This administration has come to the conclusion that there is not enough room in this prison for all of us and they MAY have to start doubling us up. Meaning that there will now be two men to a cell. That's a normal thing for prisoners that are out in population and that have been that way since they came to prison. Death row has never been doubled up. So, over the course of decades, there have been many resentments and even hatred built up between some men that live in here. To now tell those same men that they have to now be forced to live in the same cells would be disastrous! Not only would there be someone murdered in here but the increase in rapes and assaults would soar.

Holla back!


Blogger The Kozak's Daughter said...

Men are weird. I'm glad you understand the awesomeness of the cooler sex. :-P Ha!

Miss you Bro, I told everyone on our listserve about this but I don't think they figured out how to do the comments thing yet. But Pam, MR, LT, G/B and all should know. Oh and Frances said she'd check it out.
Expect a long letter from B/G about THEIR opinions!!! heehee

PS I think I should put the fact that you're NOT guilty on the top of the page there, or even in the title, what do you think? Should we bring up Sabo and Papa and other names like that or do you just wanna be your own man?
PPS Yeah this is baby Sis again; I keep changing my name!

12:27 PM  
Blogger The Kozak's Daughter said...

ha ha, My Mother's Daughter, you are awesome! I'm laughing my butt off. :-P

1:03 PM  

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